Products/Services Identifiers

A product/services identifier is used for offerings marketed and sold to clients and consumers. This is not an identifier for departments within Goldman Sachs.

There are two options for products/services identifiers:


For an all-type identifier, the product or service name should be set in Univers or Sabon. Alternates to these typefaces are Arial and Times New Roman, respectively. When more than an all-type treatment is required, a lock-up may be created. Please contact the Brand Marketing Group for development of lock-ups.


The product/services lock-up approach follows these rules:

Follow these rules for color:

The use of products/services identifiers must be balanced with the core logo. All communications developed by Goldman Sachs should be branded with the core logo. For example, the components of a direct mail package may follow this logo hierarchy:

Envelope: core logo only
Letter: core logo only, or core logo at top, products/services identifier at opposite lower corner
Brochure: products/services identifier on front, core logo on back as a final “sign-off” or branding element

For examples of products/services identifiers in use, refer to the Sample Communications section.