Internal divisional lock-ups should be used for internal communications only. The lock-up consists of:
Some identifiers have modifiers that provide additional description. The rules for which logo to use in the lock-up are the same as for the core brand (PMS 652 as primary, black as secondary, and white as tertiary mark). In terms of size, follow the core logo rules:
For lock-up typography, follow these rules:
When using either the primary logo or the secondary logo:
When using the tertiary logo:
NOTE: The Brand Marketing Group must be consulted before creating an identity for a department.
Just like the Goldman Sachs logo, an internal divisional lock-up must stand out clearly from its surroundings. It must be free of interference from nearby text, photographs and other graphic elements that might compromise the mark's impact.
The examples on this page demonstrate the required minimum clear space rules:
NOTE: The Goldman Sachs internal divisional lock-up can appear over photographs and colored backgrounds as long as legibility and prominence of the mark are unimpaired. The lock-ups should not be placed over active areas of an image.
When using an internal divisional lock-up with an identifier only, these rules apply:
We will refer to the space between the x-height of the Goldman Sachs logotype and the top of the box as “x.” The identifier should be set to the right of the Goldman Sachs logo. The baseline of the bottom line of the identifier should rest one x-space above the base of the Goldman Sachs logo.
We will refer to one-eighth width of the Goldman Sachs logo as “z.” The identifier should be one z-space to the right of the Goldman Sachs logo.
We will refer to the two equal spaces between the baseline of the Goldman Sachs logotype and the top of the x-space at the bottom of the logo as “y.” When using two lines of text in a lock-up, the lines should be set one y-space apart from one another.
When using a lock-up with an identifier and modifier, these rules apply:
The spacing in relation to the Goldman Sachs logo box should directly correspond to the spacing described in the previous section. Therefore, the baseline of the identifier/modifier is set as an x-height above the baseline of the Goldman Sachs logo box.
When using an identifier and modifier that require three lines, the type specifications should follow the guidelines stated previously. However, these additional rules apply: